Along that line, what happens to you in your early 20s that allows you to go to school and work full time plus stay out all night hanging out with your friends only to get up the next day and repeat it all over again? If I could talk to my young 20s self, I think I would tell me to get more sleep.
2. You have more credit with the pediatrician when you have 3. When we went to the doctor today and told them all of the signs that Lila had for having acid reflux just like Ava had, she said she thinks we are right. It's nice to know that when you talk to the doctor, they finally trust you as a parent even if I did have to have 3 to get there.
3. It really doesn't matter how much cleaning/sanitizing you do, sometimes kids just get sick. We have made Emma and Ava wash hands before they touch Lila and Lila still caught her first cold. Nothing like having a winter baby.
4. At home 3 kids hasn't been that bad. However, in public, that's another story. I am really wondering if I will ever go by myself anywhere with all 3 children.
5. I think our car is shrinking. When we bought our Durango we really thought it had so much space especially with the 3rd row. We thought we could easily fit more than 2 children in the SUV. We were wrong.
6. During this phase of life, the key to the whole thing is to keep a sense of humor. So I leave you with this.