Sunday, after church, the girls ripped off their smocked dresses and exchanged them for some play clothes. It was such a gorgeous day! We needed some relaxing sunshine after a stress-filled Sunday morning.
But, really, aren't all Sunday mornings stressful?
I know they are for me as the single parent trying to get out the door and make it for church. In order to make it to service, it takes us a good 3 hours to get out the door. If I can't make it to a 10:30 service on time with 3 kids, you can forget about bible study prior to service. People ask me all the time why I am not more involved in a bible study on Sunday mornings. My response? I would be happy to as long as you're coming over to help us get out the door:)
This past Sunday morning was no exception to insanity. We were actually doing pretty good, and we are time. That is, until the welcome time of the service. A sweet lady notified me that I still had the sticker left on my newly purchased jeans. You know, the sticker that says your size OVER and OVER again as it runs down your pants leg.
Way to go, Kelly. Major self-esteem booster for the new mom of 3.
Then, as soon as it is time for the teaching, my sweet Lila decides that her constipation issues are over. She begins to let out horrific gas complete with sound. But no, that's not enough. She grunts and grunts until her issues are... well should we say, resolved.
And then the crying begins. Loud wails ensue. I can't get out of my seat fast enough.
So... needless to say, between the embarrassment of the proclamation of my size and the bowel movement of my child, it just makes you wonder, why did I even come?
But, anyways, on to the pictures.
Here's Lila looking a bit sleepy since she decided to forego her nap during church.

We recently gave our dog away to a sweet family at our church. This was the pen we had for him outside. Ava was acting like she was stuck in there. If only I could stick my children outside in it for awhile during the day...

I'm not sure about this little pose of Emma's. Reminds me of a pin-up girl's pose.

Picking "flowers", otherwise known as weeds.

My marathon runner.

A good old-fashioned race. It was really just a ploy on my part to make sure that they were good and tired for a nap.