We are so excited that Emma finally got into preschool. Since we moved here in October, all of the slots in the preschools we wanted were taken. Although Emma enjoys Mother's Day Out, she needs a program with structure and something that will challenge her. She loves it and is so excited to go! This is her on her first morning of preschool.

My sweet Ava is my little shadow. She wants to be involved in whatever I am doing whether it is typing on the computer, doing my hair, cooking or make-up. She loves to get a chance to play with my make-up. I gave her some make-up just to pacify her as I was trying to get ready one day. I looked up and found this.
She was so proud of herself.

The other night we got out the paints and the girls had some fun.

Jason went to get the girls out of the playroom today for naptime and this is what he walked in on. Apparently, the girls were already napping in the baby beds. How they did not break, I will never know.

Jason went to get the girls out of the playroom today for naptime and this is what he walked in on. Apparently, the girls were already napping in the baby beds. How they did not break, I will never know.

In more depressing news, this has been the week for sickness. Emma came down slightly with a cold and then Ava came down with a full-blown cold that has lasted for a week. In the between time, Jason and I have fighting off all the cold germs unsuccessfully. Then to top it all off, Emma came down with a stomach virus this afternoon. Needless to say, we are about to lose our minds:)

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Hey, chick! Come by my blog - I gave you an award!
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