On Saturday we pulled a double header with the veteran's park egg hunt in the morning and then the mount vernon egg hunt in the afternoon. Ms. Billie, the lady who does our cake decorating class, owns mount vernon. It is a beautiful place to have weddings or receptions.
Although the girl's had no nap, we decided to brave it and head out there. We were so glad we did! This easter egg hunt was much more our style. Even Ava was able to get more than one egg this time!
This little exchange between Macie and Ava was too cute. They kept giving each other this egg.
Oh, wait. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. Now I remember. They kept saying. "It's mine. No it's mine."

I think Emma is super excited about the egg hunt. Either that or she is high in candy from the first egg hunt that morning.

The easter bunny. He was a cool bunny. He came riding in on a motorcycle.

Ava loves baby Nora. She kept rubbing her head.

These are a few pics of the cute creative food Ms.Billie had.

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