So, it is hard to believe that my firstborn is now 4. Where has the time gone? I just want to cuddle with Emma and hold her in my lap, but now my petite baby is replaced with a young girl with long legs!
I do love this age, though. I love the imagination that Emma has. She can make a game and a story out of everything. I love that she is a genuinely happy kid. We always joke around that Emma walks around like she is in her own fairy tale/musical. She sings about everything. She makes songs up as she walks along and dances. She is constantly exclaiming that so and so is her favorite thing in the whole world. Or better yet, this so and so activity and place is the bestest she has ever seen!
I love that she is the true "big"sister. Just this morning Emma and Ava were coloring at the kitchen table. Suddenly we heard Emma yell at Ava,"Oh, baby girl! That picture is beautiful! You have to go and show mommy your beautiful picture!" She is even excited about baby #3. Every night, she kisses my tummy and says good night to the baby. We even have to discuss everyday what we need to get for the new baby. She is very worried that the new baby might not have all it needs.
My favorite thing that she does, though, it her bed time ritual. She gets in bed and she looks up and Jason and me and tells us she needs "faster sugar". Faster sugar is something that Emma has started about 6 months ago that is made up of her kissing us on each cheek with rapid kisses. Then, she must us a "big squeeze" which is a tight hug. Next, we must repeat the same sequence to her. And, then finally she tells us, " I love you this big, and I love you whole lot!" as she hold out her arms. I hope that becomes a tradition that stays.
Emma was determined that a she would have a princess birthday. Ever since Ava's party in April, Emma has been planning her party. My slightly OCD child reminded me everyday what we needed in order to have a good princess party. I think she liked the final result:)
The cake... made by a sweet lady in our church. Emma knew she was a princess after she saw the cake.

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