If you're a mom, you know exactly what "one of those days" looks like. I started the day with zero energy, and the girls started the day with all the energy and sass two girls could muster.
Me: "Girls, if you do not pick up your playroom , we will not go to gymnastics today. I have given you plenty of chances."
Emma: "Well, Mommy. I guess we just won't go to gymnastics today since I am not going to pick up my room."
This is the also the kid that if I try to implement the "choices" discipline, she picks the punishment every time over the good behavior. That whole "Love and Logic" parenting philosophy is for the birds. Just like we as a country do not negotiate with terrorists, I do not negotiate with preschoolers.
So needless to say our morning did not start off well. Then, at lunch time I went to take Harley, our dog, outside to go to the bathroom. The girls were not obeying me when I told them repeatedly to get back in the house and to not come outside.
Well, Ava finally decided to obey me. In fact, she went inside and locked Emma and I out of the house.
As if this wasn't bad enough, she couldn't unlock the door. I tried to calmly try to explain to her how to unlock the door (which is so easy trying to explain it to a 2 year old). However, after 20 minutes of getting nowhere I upped my demeanor to hysterical. My neighbors were not home, so I could not even call Jason to tell him to come home and let me in. To make matters worse, Ava kept walking away from the door so I couldn't even see her and she is my mischievous one.
I just sat on the patio and bawled my eyes out. It just didn't help that I have become immensely hormonal now that I have hit the 3rd trimester.
Finally, after 35 minutes of being locked out Ava unlocked the door. Good times.
So, it was just one of those days that I wished I never got out of the bed. I should have just pulled the covers back over my head.
Oh, and right before I typed this I made pumpkin bars. As I was putting them in the oven, I dropped the pan and the batter went everywhere all over the oven.
I think I'll go to bed now.
This site is gorgeous! Great job.
oh my gosh that sounds like a horrible day. im sorry!!!
wow! it does sound like one of those days! i hope tomorrow is better!
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