Amen, sister. I completely understand. I am still holding out hope though that she has more of her Daddy in her when it comes to singing.
After that, we went caroling at a nearby nursing home. Emma was a different child. She had her paper of carols printed off that she was "reading" as she sang to the group at the nursing home. No shyness from her during that performance. Daddy and her even did a little duet together. When we all finished singing, Emma went around hugging all of the elderly people's necks. I was so proud of her!
Later that night, we had the worship team Christmas party. It was so nice! Santa Claus even made an appearance. He "appeared" on the rooftop and then came in later to hear all the kids' wish lists. We didn't have our camera with us, so I was happy when a friend of ours had theirs.

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