- A funny thing happened tonight. Well, not that funny to me, but funny if you happened to see me. As I was getting out of my car at the mall tonight, I dropped my phone. My iPhone fell underneath the car that was next to me... in the middle of it. After looking at it from every angle because clearly I was in denial of what I was going to have to do, I dropped to my stomach and laid flat on the pavement and attempted to retrieve my phone. After about a couple of minutes, I was able to finally stretch myself far enough to reach my phone. By the way, I have no idea what my iPhone is made of, but I have never known a phone to get dropped on pavement, concrete or hardwood more than mine and still work great. The screen of my phone is cracked all up, and it still works perfectly. Jason wants me to get a new phone since mine is in embarrassing shape. I told him, "What's the use in it? I'm just going to drop it again."
- Jason and I agreed to both give up sugar for Lent. I was excited about our decision and I knew it was and is going to be quite the challenge for us. Today, I decided to make a big pot of spaghetti. Knowing I could not use the canned sauce because of the sugar in it, I made the sauce from scratch. I have a favorite recipe that I use when I feel ambitious. I checked all the labels on my canned tomatoes and all was good. No sugar to be found. So I am tossinfg all the ingredients in left and right, and I just toss the 2 Tablespoons of sugar the recipe called for without thinking. My "I have a newborn brain" clearly isn't working. First day of Lent Commitment is a fail.
- My sweet hubby got me a gift certificate to Ann Taylor Loft as part of my valentine. I went there to spend a little of it. I don't understand why I am more careful about spending a gift certificate than my own money. I become OCD checking prices and seeing what bang I can get for my buck.
- We received a check for overpayment to our OBGYN today. Love it! God must have noticed that I needed to get my roots done because it was just the perfect amount.
- All ministry wives should get a copy of the book ,You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes by Lisa McKay. Such awesome practical advise! She writes about raising ministry kids, coming and leaving churches, having close friends in the congregation, and conflict in churches to name a few. I really gained so much insight from this book.
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
wednesday's thoughts
Monday, February 15, 2010
1 month
(not the most flattering picture between the camera and the frown)
- The girl loves a good bottle. She can knock 'em back with the best of them. You can bet that she will never miss a bottle!
- Because she loves a good bottle, she has the most precious "chipmunk" cheeks!
- She is smiling! Just now I went to take her picture and all she would do is frown at me. I put the camera down and she gave me the biggest most precious smile. She is going to be like her sisters and not be a fan of the camera.
- Lila is really starting to grab ahold of things. Just this morning while she was in her swing. She reached up and grabbed ahold of a toy I had hanging there.
- She is having some acid reflux and gas pains. Days for us are pretty fussy. Her stomach is tight and gassy. She likes to be held really tight and close to me. I think it makes her tummy feel better.
- Already at a month, she has had 2 minor colds and she has barely been out!
- She is a good sleeper. Just last night, Lila slept from 10:30 to 5:00! I am thankful this is getting to be the norm!
- Her nickname is becoming Lila Cake. We got this from Ava. She is determined that this is Lila Kate's actual name.
Monday, February 08, 2010
my monday in bullet points
- Jason is supposed to go to a conference in Nashville this weekend. The plan was that the girls and I would be dropped off at my family's house in Memphis. It would be a pain in the rear end to travel and stay for almost a week when you have a newborn, however it is so much better than staying here by myself with 2 kids and a newborn. Now, it is snowing in Memphis. Please tell me I am not going to have to be here by myself if Jason goes to the conference!
- Also, we took Ava to the doctor this morning. She has an ear infection. I am just glad it is not anything contagious.
- The doctor noticed when she listened to Ava's heart, that she had a heart murmur. Sometimes children can have a heart murmur when they have fever. The thing that concerned the doctor was that Ava did not have fever at the time, and we have not noticed her having fever this weekend. The doctor is setting up an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist as a precaution. The doctor also told us not to worry about it. Yeah, right. You say pediatric cardiologist and I am not going to worry? Not possible.
- I do not know if it will ever be possible for us to get our children to school on time. I think we are late to preschool about half of the week. What are we going to do when Emma goes to kindergarten next year? Our child might just fail out because we can't get her there. Hopefully, one day we will get our act together...
- I am realizing that I need a lot of sleep. I have to have my 8 hours. It is just not pretty if I don't. What I am thankful for is that Jason does not require as much sleep as I do. He's a much better Mommy than me in the middle of the night. I am so thankful that opposites attract!
- Just started reading the book, You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes. It's a book for pastor's wives written by a pastor's wife. It is funny, and it is real. It about breaking down the stereotypes we and people have about what a pastor's wife should be from dressing to personality. I love it. We are not all meant to be robotic "Bless you" and "I made you this casserole" and "I got up at 5 this morning and spent 3 hours in the Word" kind of women. Thank goodness!
Sunday, February 07, 2010
lila's birth in film
Jason just got back some of his film that he shot in the hospital when Lila was born.

Please pardon that way I look in the following pictures. I look like I am drugged up. Oh, wait I was.
We had a great weekend. Friday night, a friend and I went to dinner and shopping while our wonderful husbands watched our kids. It was a much needed girl's night for me!
Saturday, we had a friend from church volunteer to watch the girls while Jason and I had a lunch date and ran some errands. We enjoyed a quiet night at home cooking dinner and renting the movie, Love Happens.
Sunday, was a no-go for us for church. Lila was fussy much of Saturday night, and this Mommy could not get up and go. We even had Superbowl plans with friends and I could not find the energy to go. I took an almost 3 hour nap Sunday afternoon because I was so exhausted.
I know what you're thinking. I have a really great husband who lets me get out and lets me take naps. How did I get so lucky?
Well, I am lucky, but I do think he's got an ulterior motive. He's leaving for a conference in Nashville for 4 days next week. I think he's trying to make it up to me.
Good times with 3 kids. I hope I make it:)
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
3 weeks

What is Lila doing at 3 weeks?
- She is Mommy's girl.
- She wakes up one time during the night to eat. Thank goodness!
- She's already smiled some for us. Call it gas or whatever, it still warms my heart!
- She only likes one pacifier and it is the one we came home with from the hospital. We have tried all different kinds and still that one is the only one that satisfies. We even tried the same brand as the one from the hospital, and she still knows that it's not the same.
- She is loved by her two older sisters. I could never have imagined that so far the transition of bringing Lila home could go so smoothly. My biggest fear with Emma and Ava is that they will love her too much. They are so proud of her and love to show her off to people when we go out. They thank God for Lila in their prayers at night. When we leave the house, they both ask Jason and me if Lila is going to come with us. They are still confused at why Mommy's baby gets to come with us when they have to leave their babies at home:)
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