Monday, February 15, 2010

1 month

(not the most flattering picture between the camera and the frown)

What's going on with Lila at 1 month?
  • The girl loves a good bottle. She can knock 'em back with the best of them. You can bet that she will never miss a bottle!
  • Because she loves a good bottle, she has the most precious "chipmunk" cheeks!
  • She is smiling! Just now I went to take her picture and all she would do is frown at me. I put the camera down and she gave me the biggest most precious smile. She is going to be like her sisters and not be a fan of the camera.
  • Lila is really starting to grab ahold of things. Just this morning while she was in her swing. She reached up and grabbed ahold of a toy I had hanging there.
  • She is having some acid reflux and gas pains. Days for us are pretty fussy. Her stomach is tight and gassy. She likes to be held really tight and close to me. I think it makes her tummy feel better.
  • Already at a month, she has had 2 minor colds and she has barely been out!
  • She is a good sleeper. Just last night, Lila slept from 10:30 to 5:00! I am thankful this is getting to be the norm!
  • Her nickname is becoming Lila Cake. We got this from Ava. She is determined that this is Lila Kate's actual name.

1 comment:

Candice Pair said...

lila cake...i love it!!!!