Friday, July 30, 2010

louisville: cookies

One night, the girls got to make some cookies. They had the best time!

They had what seemed like a 100 different cookie cutters, and the cookie dough was all different colors of red, blue, yellow and green.

The cousins enjoying the fruit of their labor, or should I say the cookies of their labor!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

louisville: mamaw and lila

Last week we were able to get away for a few weeks and head to Louisville. Jason's grandparents live there.

Jason's grandmother has alzheimer's. While we were there, Mamaw really took to Lila. She would watch her while she was in the room. One day she even said her name about 5 times throughout the day.

I love these pictures with Lila and her.

Yep, you saw it right. Lila's not wearing a shirt.

This one is my favorite.

Believe it or not, I actually took most of these pics. I'm trying to not be so camera shy taking pictures so Jason might actually be in some of our photos:)

the older girls

Last night all of us were looking back through old photo albums on facebook. They dated back three years ago. Most of the time I don't realize how much Emma and Ava have grown until I go back through old photographs. I was hit with the realization once more of how quickly time goes.

Emma is going to kindergarten this year. It's a time in her life that is a landmark. One landmark that society and the government mandates and tells us that it's time for us to hand over our kids to complete strangers and have their lives influenced by others.

Others that maybe I wouldn't choose to influence my girls. Sure, I could homeschool, but Jason and I both agree that it is not the best option for our family. We are genuinely excited about the influence we could have into the school and building relationships with families in our neighborhood.

It made me also realize that what we are instilling in them at home is even more important now. Emma will be in contact with kids and adults that may tell her things that is contradictory to what we say at home.

It's really easy to sit in our Christian home with our Christian friends that go to our Christian church and talk about the world and how to make it a better place and what we are going to do to win them for Christ.

For our family, it's go time. It's time for us to practice what we preach.

On a lighter note. Here's some pictures from some film Jason got back a while ago.

I'm not exactly sure what Jason was trying to get them to do here.

For a week, Ava has been obsessed with putting on her winter coat and wearing it all day. With the hood up. Goofy girl...

I walked into the kitchen one day and found this.

Hello, Miss Sassy! I'm hoping that's not a glance into my future.

Ava loves her babies!

And if Emma could have her way, she would sit in front of the television all day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I was thinking about how much our lives revolve around food. This is a sample schedule of our day in regard to eating.

7:00 am Lila's bottle
7:45 am family breakfast
8:30 am Lila's baby food
10:00 am snack for Emma and Ava
11:00 am Lila's bottle
11:30 am family lunch
12:00 pm Lila's baby food
3:00 pm Lila's bottle
3:30 pm snack for Emma and Ava
5:30 pm family dinner
6:00 pm Lila's baby food
7:30 pm girls want a "special treat"
8:00 pm Lila's last bottle

Someone is eating almost every hour! I think I have discovered why my house is a mess, and I don't have enough time to get to it. It's because we're eating!

Excuse me while I go have a snack before bed...

just for fun

I found some gorgeous 8x10 frames at the Pottery Barn Outlet recently for a killer deal. The only problem I had was I needed some black and white pictures to fill them. So we had a little mini shoot in the back yard.

Friday, July 16, 2010

july 4

July 4th, we spent the day at Nana ad Papa's house. We had a relaxing day of cooking out and hanging out by the pool.

My fearless girl with NO swimmies on... Give me a heart attack!

Lila loves the water!

I love this face...


The girls...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

rolly poly

Lila Kate is rolling around now to get where she needs to go!