Things have been CRAZY.
We knew when we moved to Memphis that the house we were initially going to stay in was only temporary. Hello! It was only 900 square feet.We've moved. Again.
But, we now have a bigger house. We were and are so thankful for wonderful friends that blessed us with a roof over our heads during the transition of moving here.
Things I have learned from living in a small space...
- 2 adults, 3 kids and 3 cats are not conducive to 900 square feet
- I need space.
- Having just one bathroom with that many people should be considered a form of torture... make that one bathroom with no lock. Yep, no privacy. Even while you're using the toilet.
- Sharing a bedroom with a baby... also not fun.
- Once you go king, you cannot go back. Ever since we have been married, Jason and I have slept on a king size bed. During our stay in 900 square feet, we had the full size bed from our guest bedroom as our bed. Never again...
- These complaints are really nothing. 900 square feet is really not a problem. How many people are going to bed tonight without roofs over their head? How dare I even think about complaining...

We are now eating solids 3 times a day along with our bottle. Lila will eat anything you give her. Huge shocker, I know.
Oh, and she's still a momma's girl:)
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