Sunday, September 12, 2010

8 months

September has already proved to be quite a month. It has come and kicked us right in the tail.

First off, we had our identity stolen. Remember that whole Jason's Deli scandal with stolen credit card information? Well, we were one of the lucky ones. And, they took us to the cleaners. But, alas, all is resolved! I'm just left with major paranoia, and I really want to take all of our money and dig a hole for it in the backyard.

School has welcomed our girls back. In fact, they gave Emma a wonderful gift. One month into the school year, and we already have our first stomach virus. There goes perfect attendance (like we even had a chance).

But, the stomach bug didn't stop with her. Oh, no. It took as all down within a week and a half.

Good times.

On a bright note, we launched The Orchard Fellowship today. We had over 400 in attendance! Such a wonderful morning!

8 months ago today, our precious Lila was born which means it was picture time tonight. I thought I would put her in her cute University of Memphis dress. Got to support the home team... well, at least in basketball!
lila kate 8 months 002

Lila has been a very busy girl since 7 months. She is now pulling up on things and standing.
lila kate 8 months 003

She is Speedy Gonzalez with her crawling, and she will not be fenced in! She is going to keep me on my toes!

Hello, Blue Eyes! I could just eat up my cutie pie!
lila kate 8 months 004

1 comment:

Candice Pair said...

We'll have to take all the girls to a game this year! Presley had a blast when she went last season!