Monday, December 06, 2010

did i really not blog about halloween?

I am in a constant state of being very behind on the blog. Time has been lacking lately, but I am determined to get caught up!

These 4 cuties had a ball Halloween night!

Isn't Presley the cutest in her owl costume? Love it!

This year, we had no theme going into Halloween. The girls got to pick what they wanted to be and they were emphatic about it. Mommy was not going to change their mind! My mom picked up the cute cat costume for Lila this year.

We trick-or-treated in my BFF Candice's neighborhood after we cooked out at their house. The girls were like seasoned pros. I felt like we were constantly chasing them because they were busting out some houses quickly!

This one was totally over it though.

1 comment:

Candice Pair said...

Hahaha but Lila was such a good sport about it!! Love the pics...we should do this every year!