Friday, August 19, 2011

dear anonymous

I guess with facebook, twitter and blogs , everyone has a voice. Any person can easily say something and then hide behind the computer screen. Anybody can be "anonymous" and feel confident to put their opinion/garbage out there.

And some coward did. On my blog. On my comment section.


Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for the comment. Thank you for feeling so bothered by me that you needed to take time to write an anonymous comment on my blog. Sorry, if the comment doesn't hold much weight with me considering you wrote it anonymously. Please feel free if you have any more cowardly "anonymous" comments to leave, to do so. However, please forgive me if I disregard and delete it.

1 comment:

maribeth said...

The same thing happened to me last week and I was so shocked that someone would take the time to make an ugly comment anonymously. If you have something to say, own it or keep it to yourself because otherwise I am not able to let you know how I feel about your cowardly words!