Lila you are a joy! I have never seen a baby smile so much. And when you smile, you do it with your whole face.
You are enjoying baby food, almost to the point where you no longer want a bottle. You are eating puffs and little yogurt melts like a champ. You never choke on it. You just chew it like you've been eating it for months. You take after Emma in that you love some juice and you can chug it back.
You are crawling, well, mainly army crawling. You sit so well on your own. You love your bouncing horse, but nothing beats hanging with the big sisters on the floor and moving at your own pace.
You still seem to be a mommy's girl. You search me out in the room. I don't have to hold you all the time. It's more like you just want to know that I am there.
You have begun to wave hi and bye, and you try to clap your hands when we do even though most of the time you miss. You shake your head "no-no" when we do. You love peek-a-boo!
When we took you to the doctor for your checkup, we were told you were "healthy". You weighed 18 lbs 15 oz. Your sisters hit that mark when they were a year old. You are wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes. I love my chunky monkey!
Life is all the more sweeter with you in it, Lila Kate!
I love reading your blog! I admire your dedication to recording all of the little things that mean so much. Your girls will love looking back at this one day:) Way better than a traditional baby book that goes to about age 5 and then gets forgotten about (that would be me!). Good job!
I love that little chunky monkey!
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