Tuesday, August 24, 2010

we're stepping out

Oh, Botanic Gardens. How I have missed you!

That mean, awful Sun and his friend Humidity have caused us to not grace your wonderful abode. They have caused us to be sentenced to our home all summer, a place free of sweat and stickiness and smelliness...

The have caused me many days of hair pulling, many days of stress, many days of a messy house and many days of claustrophobia.

But, hope is a comin'. One day last week Mr. Humidity left for the morning, and we were able to flee from our house! And it looks like this week will not disappoint either!





I really do love hanging with Ava. Her personality is so different when she is not around Emma.

I think with Emma she is "competing" for attention. When it is just Lila and her, she is easy peasy to deal with. She's so sweet and accommodating. Even though I miss Emma during the day, I have loved getting to know my middle girl in this setting.

1 comment:

Candice Pair said...

Shes getting so big!