Saturday, May 29, 2010

buffalo park

Before we moved, we knew that we had to visit the Buffalo Park in Tupelo.

The best part of the park was feeding the giraffes. It was a little freaky to be face to face with a giraffe. Another thing that was unsettling? Their long tongues.

The girls loved the pony ride.

We rode the bus out to look at the buffalos up close.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

an outing

One afternoon last week I decided to head out with all 3 girls and go to the Botanic Gardens.


Because when 5 people live in 900 square feet, you learn that activities outside the home are very important. Extremely important. Sanity saving kind of important.

That morning I asked Jason if I could take his camera. After what seemed like a lecture that lasted an hour, he finally agreed.

Lines Jason might have said in his lecture...
  • "Are you prepared to buy me another camera if you break this one?"
  • "Always put the camera back into the plastic Ziploc bag when you are done before you put it back in the diaper bag."
  • "Always know where your lens cap is."
I have to insert something here. When we were at the Farmer's Market last week, Jason started to put his lens cap back on his camera. Guess what he couldn't find? His lens cap. It was laying by the side of the road. I, of course, had to remind him of his lecture earlier in the week.

Because I wouldn't be a good wife if I didn't bring up his hypocrisy, right? Just kidding.

So I took the following pictures. I'm sure Jason would want you to know that. So you wouldn't confuse my handiwork for his.

We grabbed some lunch and brought it to the Garden with us. There were 2 ducks that were determined to eat the girls' lunches.

All 3 girls! Doesn't Lila look thrilled?

Friday, May 21, 2010


It's midnight. It's late. It's been a long day. So tired.

But as I am heading for bed, I hear the pitter patter of little footsteps heading down the hall. A groggy Ava stops and looks at me and says, "I don't want to go to sleep."

She climbs up in my lap. We talk and giggle and play. She snuggles into my chest. We pull a piece of cake out of the refrigerator and munch for a minute.

I ask Ava if she is ready for bed. She says, "Maybe I can sleep in your bed tonight?"

How can I resist those big brown eyes staring up at me?

In that moment all the parenting books and schedule and structure go out the window.

Because she needs a little time to snuggle and feel special.

And truth be told... so do I.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

farmer's market

A while back our family made a commitment to eat as much organic and natural produce as we could. Watching the documentary, Food, Inc., made this decision for us. Now knowing what goes in our meats and produce, I don't think we could do it any differently.

And besides, the difference in the taste is so worth it!

A couple of day ago we decided to head to the farmer's market. Jason took Polaroids of the event.

We bought some of the yummiest homemade strawberry preserves made by mennonite women!

When we were done buying our produce, we headed over to the strawberry patch to let the girls pick some strawberries. At a $1.99 pound, we couldn't resist!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

lila's first feeding

So, I promised myself that I would not start feeding Lila solids until 5 or 6 months. This is just not a baby stage that I enjoy. I love the bottle stage, and I love the self-feeding stage. I do not love the baby food plus bottle feeding stage. Spitting out food and blowing it all over Momma is only fun and cute the first time it happens.

Then, she started to wake up a little earlier every morning last week. And, that was all it took to make me start feeding her solids. This Momma has to have sleep... and lots of it.

Lila is definitely not in the petite category, so I have I have to admit I was slightly nervous to add anything to her diet. I mean her poor little thighs look like they have rubber bands around them. I am wondering how chunky can my little monkey get?

botanic gardens

Thursday, May 13, 2010

may 14

On May 14 six years ago, I married my best friend.

I married the man of my dreams.
I married the best daddy 3 little girls could have.
I married the best provider.
I married a loyal man.
I married a godly man.
I married a giving man.
I married a self-sacrificing man.
I married a strong leader.
I married a gracious man.
I married a loving man.
I married a glass is half full man.
I married the best worship leader (in my humble opinion:)
I married a "I know I've worked all day, but I am going to come right home and jump in there and wrangle the kids" kind of man.
I married a "I'll go to the premier of New Moon with a bunch of screaming women and girls" kind of man.

In short, I married the best man.


Happy anniversary, Jason! I love you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

lila at 4 months

Today my baby is 4 months. Time is going by too fast. Before I know it the baby stage will be over.

Lila Kate...
  • eats 6 ounces in a bottle about 4 to 5 times a day.
  • will be trying cereal soon. We bought all the goodies to start the process today!
  • has a pretty consistent schedule. She is up for 2 hours and then down for 2 hours.
  • sleeps through the night.
  • has started blowing bubbles.
  • still loves her big sisters. Nobody can make her cackle like her big sisters.
  • takes after her sister Emma in loving cartoons. Lila is already starting to watch when we have them on.
  • has a favorite blankie that she chews on and holds on to.
  • is s homebody.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

happy birthday, ava!

I am so behind on blogging.

Between the stress of moving and planting a church, blogging has taken a backseat.

Since we took the girls to Atlanta to the American Girl shop to pick out a doll each, we knew that we would do something low key for their birthdays this year. And who are we kidding? We really just didn't have time for a birthday party with the move. That didn't stop us from celebrating though. Ava loves looking at all the cookie cakes at the mall. So, we knew that a cookie cake would be perfect for Ava.

That's right, folks. My child is shirtless. That's just Ava.

My middle girl is 3 years old!

What is Ava up to?
  • Ava could party all day and all night. She's my girl that never needs a nap. She could also stay up all hours and still be a sweetie in the morning.
  • She's my adventurous eater. She will chow down on some ribs with Daddy.
  • When Ava is really concentrating on something she will hold her breath until she is done. I love to see her work a puzzle and hold her breath until she can get the right piece to fit.
  • She loves to be outside.
  • Ava can make Lila laugh like no other.
  • She has become such a good big sister.
  • When she like something Ava will say, "That makes my heart feel good." When she doesn't like something she will say, "That hearts my heart."
  • When I am reprimanding Emma or telling her not to do something Ava will say, "Sorry, that's just the deal!"
We love you, Ava!