Saturday, November 20, 2010

chunky monkey

Yes, that's right. Our ten month old eats spaghetti already. Our joke is that if you gave Lila a steak she would figure out a way to gum it to death.
chunky monkey r3 tmax +2 002

Maybe that's why her thighs look like this...
chunky monkey r3 tmax +2 001

I wish that in adulthood it was just as cute to have chunky thighs.

Friday, November 19, 2010

one of my biggest fears have come true...

Ava is constantly surprising us. She keeps us on our toes.

For instance, a couple of days ago as we were shopping in Macys, a lady walked by rather quickly with her arms folded over her chest. As she walked by, Ava yelled after her, "Wow, you are a mad girl!" She turned and laughed, and we tried to explain to her she wasn't mad and then we quickly put our hands over her mouth so she could not speak again.

No big deal, right? Kids say the darnedest things...

Then, there are times that kids Do the darnedest things...

I was sleeping in yesterday morning because I took a friend of ours to the airport at 4 in the morning. Lila was down for her morning nap, and Jason decided to take a shower. He left Ava playing in her room.

When he went in to check on her after his shower, this is what he found in her room.

Yes, insert gasps of the impending doom that was about to rain down on all of our heads.

She cut it. Just snipped it away.

When Jason asked her why, she told him that she just wanted to be beautiful.

Bless her...

Hello, Mullet!

I freaked out. Thank goodness Jason was there to be the voice of reason and deal with Ava. For those of you who know me, you know that I love long hair on little girls. I just think they look so precious with it.

So off to the hair dresser we went. I told our hair dresser, Farrah, that if possible could we NOT do the whole weird looking bowl cut. So she cut Ava's hair up to the longest layer that Ava cut. Then, she tried her best to blend her hair on the side to not look too bad. The plan is that we will just keeping putting clips and bows on the side until it grows out. It is not too noticeable pulled back, and we are just going to stuff prenatal vitamins down her throat for her hair to grow quickly. Just kidding (I think)...

Ava now..
ava's hair 006

ava's hair 005

She's still one of the prettiest little girls I have ever seen:)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a first and hopefully a last

I had a AWESOME surprise for me when I went into Lila's room this morning.

I heard her wake up about 10 minutes before I went in to get her. I was busy trying to get Emma out the door and to school on time. Plus, Lila was giggling and playing in her room. I mean, why bother a happy, playing baby, right?

So when I went into her room, she was standing in her crib smiling at me. I had to do a double take at her. I wasn't sure she was my child. At the moment she was a completely different color than what I had left her when I put her to bed last night.

She was covered in head to toe poop. Let that take a minute to sick in.

I stood in the doorway for a minute caught between the thought of should I grab my camera. The blogger and scrapbooker in me said yes. The mother in me said no she needed to get in the bath ASAP.

I guess Lila is trying to show us that if we think we have it all figured out because she is our 3rd, then we are wrong. Because, out of 3 kids this is our first "she woke up covered in poop" experience.

september and october blog 001

lila goes to school

When we were notified that a day opened up for Lila at Ava's school, we jumped on it. Lila goes to school one day a week. Not so that I can have a "mother's day out", but rather so I can have a "mother's day cleaning house".

So happy and trusting before we left...

september and october blog 016

The jig is up. Lila has just now figured out she got duped.


Do not feel too sorry for her. We were told she only did that for about 10 minutes. She now goes into her class happy as can be.