Tuesday, June 30, 2009

a beautiful night at the park

Recently, we all packed up and decided to go check out some garage sales, or as a friend of mine says, "We're going trashin'!"  It's true.  One man's trash is another man's treasure.  I'm usually not up for the task of finding a "diamond in the rough", but I have had so many friends come up with great things lately that I had to give it a try.

One thing we found was a bike for Emma that was $10.  It was in perfect shape.  We had talked about upgrading from the tricycle, but we didn't really want to fork out the money.  You see, it's not because we're cheap.  It's because Emma is a month away from being 4 and has never really got on to the whole pedaling thing.  We have spent countless hours pushing Emma around trying to teach her.  However, at this price we could afford it.

And apparently, this bike is just what she needed!  She has been doing a great job.  Now if we could just get the pedaling and the steering down at the same time...

It was a beautiful day yesterday, so we decided to pack up and head to the park after dinner.  We grabbed the bikes for them to ride on the trails.

Yeah, we're still in the pushing stage with Ava...

And to top off a fun night we went to McDonald's for their kiddie ice cream cone!

Friday, June 26, 2009

We're pregnant!

So number 3 is on the way!  We are all so excited.  It has been fun to hear Emma and Ava walk around telling that there is a baby in mommy's tummy (even if they were telling before we were ready to).  

This pregnancy has been interesting.  With Emma and Ava, I was never sick in the beginning.  With this pregnancy, I have  been sick morning, noon and night.  The joke I keep hearing is that maybe this one is a boy. Doubtful, but maybe.

Another thing that has been interesting about being pregnant with the third child is that people have assumed for us that we are done.  The common reaction has been, "So, this is it, right?"  Slightly, annoying.  Maybe it is.  Maybe it isn't.  I wasn't aware that we were only allowed a certain number of children to be socially acceptable.  I'm not saying I want to start another Duggar family, but I want the decision to be mine and Jason's with no "peer pressure" from others.  Off of my soapbox now:)

Baby #3 is due January 20!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

all aboard the boomerang express!

We have been so busy lately! (hence, the lack of blogging)  This year I am the coordinator for the preschool for vbs.  I have had so much fun planning and working with our team this year.  Our numbers this year almost doubled from last year!  God is so good! 

The theme this year is the Boomerang Express so we had everything decorated and themed out Outback style. We have so many creative people at our church.   I have been so blessed to have some of the best volunteers.  I could not have done half of what we did without them!

Ava's class...

I love this picture of Emma.  This is how I remember vbs, with a kool-aid mustache!

a cute snack one day... the great barrier reef
Emma having some fun at rec and game time...

These are some pics from our vbs family night. We cooked out, fished, had a zip line, and played on a huge waterslide. Of course it was extremely hot, but who cares when you are having fun!

Ava wanted to fish the whole time. Funny story. Ava saw the ripples in the water that the fish were making and she said that the fish tooted. Makes sense. This happens when she does it in the bath tub. That's my girl using her logic and reasoning skills.

Another thing about Ava is that she loves the vbs t-shirts this year. She literally wanted to sleep in it and wear it every single day.

Such a fun experience!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

the beach

Oh, Navarre.  How I do miss you...