Saturday, January 21, 2012

birthday cake for Jesus

Our children's ministry put together a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" party kit for our church families. The kit included a birthday cake, icing, a candle, a cake topper and instructions for activities your family could do while the cake baked. We did ours on the 23rd of December. This is one of the girls favorite activities that we do at Christmas. They love to help cook!

The girls with the finished product...We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus!
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gingerbread houses

One night after we got our PJs on, we all sat down to put together a mini gingerbread village. I had received it at an office Christmas party. We only got 2 houses put together. This kit was not the easiest to put together. We also had a little girl who was trying to eat all the goodies that we were trying to put on the houses.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

emma's winter party

This year I am the Room Sponsor for Emma's class. When, it came to finding ideas for her Winter Party, I went to trusty old Pinterest to find some ideas.

Emma with some of her friends...
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For their art/craft project, they made a snowman out of mini marshmallows and pretzel sticks. Then, the kids took big marshmallows and dipped them in white paint to make snow.
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For our game, we played "Pin the Nose on the Snowman". The kids had a blast! After a while, we realized that they could see through their blindfold. We had an idea to put a Christmas bag over their head. That seemed to work. Please don't call child services on us.
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I found a cute snowman cupcake on Pinterest and a mom in Emma's class was willing to make them. They turned out so cute!
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At the end, the kids played a game using a wrapped book that they brought from home. They sat in a circle and passed the book as they music played. When the music stopped, they kept they book they were left with.
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christmas programs

Emma's Holiday Program at Richland...
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She practiced and practiced! I can not tell you how many times we heard, "O, Hannakuah"!
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Ava and Lila's Christmas program at 2nd Pres!
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When they first got on the stage Lila was all smiles and she was pointing at the Christmas tree shouting, "Tree, Tree!". Then she turned around and noticed all the people, and we never got another smile out of her. Her class sang "Away in a Manger" and "Jingle Bells".
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Unfortunately, we could never get a good picture of Ava. She was standing behind a couple of kids. You can just see the tip of her white bow. Her class sang "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer".
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Thursday, January 19, 2012


As always, we all wrote something for our Thankful Tree.
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a wizard of oz halloween

glenda the good witch, the wicked witch and dorothy
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fall fun in the leaves

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a few from the pumpkin patch

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the first days of school

the first day of first grade at Richland for Emma...
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the first day of preschool at 2nd Pres for Ava and Lila
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