Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Oh the joys of potty training...

I think I just need a moment to vent. I am so sick of potty training! Emma is going to be 3 this month and is still not potty trained. I have tried for over a year, testing to see if she's ready off and on. Well now I have decided no matter what we do, we will get potty trained this time around! I have to admit it. Emma is a little like me... well, maybe a lot like me. She is so stubborn. So you take a stubborn kid who could care less if she rolls around in a dirty diaper, and you have problems with potty training.
We're making progress I have to say. One major problem I have though is getting her to go around other people. Like at Mother's Day Out or church, she will not tell anyone that she has to go, or when her teachers try to get her to go she becomes all shy. So I'm open for suggestions. Anyone? I can't be around her forever to take her to the potty!
Now Ava has shown an interest in potty training. Yes, 14 months old and she's more interested than Emma. She claps when she hears Emma go potty. (Yes, that's right. It's a real family affair.) She also thinks she deserves an M&M when Emma goes potty. And to my great delight, she no longer wants to wear a diaper. Yesterday I was getting ready when Emma goes running down the hall yelling that Baby Sis had poo-pooed. I told her that I would be there in a minute to change her. After a minute I realized that Emma never comes to tell me things like that so I went running down the hall only to meet Ava halfway wearing no diaper. Needless to say, I have a huge stain on my playroom floor the size of a dinner plate. Good times.

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