Friday, June 26, 2009

We're pregnant!

So number 3 is on the way!  We are all so excited.  It has been fun to hear Emma and Ava walk around telling that there is a baby in mommy's tummy (even if they were telling before we were ready to).  

This pregnancy has been interesting.  With Emma and Ava, I was never sick in the beginning.  With this pregnancy, I have  been sick morning, noon and night.  The joke I keep hearing is that maybe this one is a boy. Doubtful, but maybe.

Another thing that has been interesting about being pregnant with the third child is that people have assumed for us that we are done.  The common reaction has been, "So, this is it, right?"  Slightly, annoying.  Maybe it is.  Maybe it isn't.  I wasn't aware that we were only allowed a certain number of children to be socially acceptable.  I'm not saying I want to start another Duggar family, but I want the decision to be mine and Jason's with no "peer pressure" from others.  Off of my soapbox now:)

Baby #3 is due January 20!


Faith said...

Yah!! I totally understand your soapbox!! After having a boy and a girl, everyone assumes we are finished as well....we get the "so I guess your done since you have one of each now"???? I don't get it either!! We totally don't know if we will have another yet, but it get's under my skin too! So excited for you! Can't wait to hear what it's going to be!! Have you heard about those new tests you can get at Walgreens? The gender predictor ones?? They say they are like 84% accurate and you can take them as soon as you find out your pregnant up to your about 32 weeks (I think)...makes me wonder if they work...I so would have tried one if I had know about them before I had Caleb....:-)

jennifer said...

congratulations! i was waaaay more sick with charlie than i was with avery...

Lillian said...

Yay!!!! I'm SOOOOO happy for you guys! (So is the rest of my family) How far along are you? Or did you just find out? Well wether it is a boy or girl, I'm sure it will be totally beautiful inside and out, just like the rest of your family. I love you guys so much and can't wait to meet the newest addition to the amazing Stockdale family! Hope to see you guys soon,

Can't wait to hear more, Love ya!

Sonya @ Balentine Bliss said...

So very excited for you guys! Praying blue for ya, but pink is equally wonderful!! (It happens, ya know - we believed we were destin for all boys, but got a surprise girl!) Three is such a great number - I so could have gone for one more but the hubby just wouldn't have it! Now that we're out of diapers and everyone buckles themselves in the car I have to admit, it's nice! Congrats!