Friday, January 20, 2012

emma's winter party

This year I am the Room Sponsor for Emma's class. When, it came to finding ideas for her Winter Party, I went to trusty old Pinterest to find some ideas.

Emma with some of her friends...
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For their art/craft project, they made a snowman out of mini marshmallows and pretzel sticks. Then, the kids took big marshmallows and dipped them in white paint to make snow.
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For our game, we played "Pin the Nose on the Snowman". The kids had a blast! After a while, we realized that they could see through their blindfold. We had an idea to put a Christmas bag over their head. That seemed to work. Please don't call child services on us.
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I found a cute snowman cupcake on Pinterest and a mom in Emma's class was willing to make them. They turned out so cute!
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At the end, the kids played a game using a wrapped book that they brought from home. They sat in a circle and passed the book as they music played. When the music stopped, they kept they book they were left with.
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