Sunday, August 31, 2008


I've been working through Beth Moore's bible study, Stepping Up ( and yes, I have been working through this for 6 months:) The Psalms that we worked through today was Psalms 128. I was really hit over the head with what "blessed" really means. So many times we equate the word blessed with prosperity. I can't tell you how many times I have looked at someone and based off of their material wealth I have said, "God, sure has blessed them." And while I do believe that God can bless us with material things, He is a God who wants so much more for our lives. He wants us to blessed through a relationship with him, the only way that we can truly have fulfillment and wholeness.

"Biblically, one is pronounced blessed when God is present and involved in his life." God does tell us in Matthew 5:4 that "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." "Blessed Bliss" does not mean that a person will not have difficulties or even sorrows. I love what Beth writes about blessedness.

"Blessedness describes the condition of a person who reveres God, steeps her life to Him, and follows His ways. She doesn't just look to God in spiritual or religious matters. She looks to Him in every matter. He's not just the most important part of her life. He is her life."

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