Saturday, November 08, 2008


For Halloween we headed to Memphis. The church I grew up at was having its annual Trunk or Treat. This year Emma went as an elephant, and Ava went as a Kitty Cat. Somehow I managed to talk Emma out of being a princess and into the elephant costume. It was just too cute! Ava was not happy at us at all when we first put her in the cat costume. I think she screamed for about 30 minutes. Somehow she managed to compose herself long enough for us to strap her into the car and head to Faith. After seeing the promise of candy everywhere she quickly changed her tune.

Rows and rows of cars were lined up and decorated so cute! Inside there were games set up. The girls had a blast. I was really surprised at how quickly Ava got onto the whole Trick or Treating thing. She was not going to be outdone by her sister.

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