Thursday, December 18, 2008

the tale of despereaux

The people at American Family Radio here in Tupelo have been so sweet to us since we have been there.  They have given Jason and I tickets to the Casting Crowns show and as of recently they gave our family tickets to see an advanced screening of, The Tale of Despereaux, or as Emma calls it "The Mousey Movie".

Before the movie they were giving out masks of the characters from the movie.  The girls wanted to wear them all night.  It was too cute!  Here are some pics that were taken when we got home.

Emma as the princess (of course)

now as Despereaux, the mouse

and Ava can not be outdone

The girls really enjoyed themselves and did reasonably well for their age in a movie.  Ava kept pointing and shouting at the screen, "MOUSE!  MOUSE!" every time a mouse came on.  And yes, there was a lot of mice in the movie:)

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