Saturday, December 06, 2008

random cuteness

I love this one of Ava. Ava has some kind of strange sense of exactly when I am doing my makeup. As soon as I start to apply it, I can hear the pitter patter of little feet. I have 2 makeup brushes and she holds out her hand ready for one so she can get busy. No telling how long the child could sit there brushing her face!

The next 3 pics were taken the other morning as we were getting ready to leave for Emma's dance class. Dance class is the part of the week that Emma lives for.

Not to be out done, Ava had enough of Emma getting her picture taken. She had to get in on the action!

There really is no point to the picture except that it reminds me that Emma is no longer a baby or a toddler. She has turned into such a beautiful little girl.

This is the girls all decked out in their purchases from Old Navy. They were determined to wear their new house shoes, hat and gloves home from Old Navy. They were quite the site to see leaving the store!

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