Wednesday, February 03, 2010

3 weeks

3 weeks can go by so fast. I am so scared I am going to "miss" the baby phase with Lila. With Lila, she may be our last. We haven't decided yet. But knowing that she may be our last, it has made me want to treasure, remember and hold onto all those sweet things that I may not get to experience again.

What is Lila doing at 3 weeks?
  • She is Mommy's girl.
  • She wakes up one time during the night to eat. Thank goodness!
  • She's already smiled some for us. Call it gas or whatever, it still warms my heart!
  • She only likes one pacifier and it is the one we came home with from the hospital. We have tried all different kinds and still that one is the only one that satisfies. We even tried the same brand as the one from the hospital, and she still knows that it's not the same.
  • She is loved by her two older sisters. I could never have imagined that so far the transition of bringing Lila home could go so smoothly. My biggest fear with Emma and Ava is that they will love her too much. They are so proud of her and love to show her off to people when we go out. They thank God for Lila in their prayers at night. When we leave the house, they both ask Jason and me if Lila is going to come with us. They are still confused at why Mommy's baby gets to come with us when they have to leave their babies at home:)


Candice said...

She is gorgeous Kelly!!!! What a sweet picture :)

Candice Pair said...

That is so sweet :) I can't wait to meet her!