Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I was thinking about how much our lives revolve around food. This is a sample schedule of our day in regard to eating.

7:00 am Lila's bottle
7:45 am family breakfast
8:30 am Lila's baby food
10:00 am snack for Emma and Ava
11:00 am Lila's bottle
11:30 am family lunch
12:00 pm Lila's baby food
3:00 pm Lila's bottle
3:30 pm snack for Emma and Ava
5:30 pm family dinner
6:00 pm Lila's baby food
7:30 pm girls want a "special treat"
8:00 pm Lila's last bottle

Someone is eating almost every hour! I think I have discovered why my house is a mess, and I don't have enough time to get to it. It's because we're eating!

Excuse me while I go have a snack before bed...

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